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Guraka commented at 2013-12-02 17:15:18 » #1446847

So many of these, and no exact sources...fad-1394 is not good enough, searching for that doesn't give us exactly where these came from.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-30 10:45:12 » #1731788

Actually, it's more than enough. "Fad" is the publisher/series (I think), and the number is the specific AV in question. Simply find your average JAV-site, type in the entire "code", and you'll find the AV in question...granted, if it exists on that site. By only typing in the letters, you'll find all the AVs published by "fad".

JAVJunkies is a good place to start. It might also be a good idea to use JAVLibrary if you want to search for a specific AV, as JAVLibrary has a quite large database. No torrents in that one though. Just general information about the movies.

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